![Dave Kaminski](https://kaminskivisuals.com/wp-content/uploads/dk-head-03-1024x1024.jpg)
Website Development &
Digital Business Consulting
If you call a company for customer service, are you hoping to talk to someone in the same country as you, whose first language is your first language and who readily understands the problems you're having...or are you hoping to speak with someone where you can barely understand each other?
Website design follows the same formula as customer service: you want a website designer who is in the same country as you, whose first language is your first language and who readily understands what you want.
These days, especially with the pandemic, you can find web designers located all over the world. And their prices can be tempting because their standard of living is so low. But think twice before hiring a website designer in a time-zone that is 12 hours ahead of you, no matter how attractive the price.
That’s because these things can lead to all sorts of headaches, from lack of support or slow support if something goes wrong technically with your website, to images or software being used on your site design that violates copyright laws, to simply getting your site designed the way you want.
The bottom line is to always go local with website designers. By “local”, I mean in your home country or close to it. For example, if you live in the U.S., you would want to hire a website designer located in the U.S. or Canada. Or if you live in the U.K., hire a website designer in the U.K.
The geo-location of a website designer may not seem that important to you right now…but I promise you it will be when something goes wrong with your website. It can be the difference between a website being down for a few minutes, to a website being down for weeks.
Would you be interested in potentially having me build a website for your business? Well, the next step would be for us to jump on Zoom together and talk about it for a few minutes.
Uh-oh…is that the part where I’ll hit you with some big sales pitch? Nope. We’ll just talk about your project, where I can let you know how much it would cost, how quickly it could be done and answer any other questions you have. No B.S. and no fluff…I’ll just tell you straight up everything you need to know.
Fair enough?
So if you’d like to schedule a quick, 10 minute project call with me, just select the date and time that works best for you below:
© Kaminski Visuals, Inc.
Website Development &
Digital Business Consulting